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Guardian Pro Termite & Pest Control - Logo
Serving Lancaster and York Counties, PA        717-538-6719


Serving Lancaster and York Counties, PA
Serving Lancaster and York Counties, PA
Call Us Today 717-538-6719

Let Our Skilled Professionals 
Take Care of the Ants

Don't Let Ants Invade Your Home

When you find an ant infestation in your home, call Guardian Pro Termite & Pest Control today. Our skilled professionals have the experience and knowledge to locate the nest and deal with the ants you find creeping throughout your home or office.

How to Identify Ants

  • Carpenter ants live in wood and can grow to almost 1 inch.
  • Odorous house ants can be dark brown and black; they stink when crushed.
  • Pavement ants can be brown and black; they have nests that look like small volcanoes.
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